I am a PhD student co-advised by Anthony Rowe and Carlee Joe-Wong at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. I'm interested in Learning for Systems: applying machine learning to (cyber-physical) systems in ways that leverage both data-driven learning techniques and a theoretical and intuitive understanding of system properties.
Previously, I obtained my B.S. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin in May 2021. While at UT Austin, I worked on Learning to Optimize research with Atlas Wang.
Please contact me at tianshu2@andrew.cmu.edu. You can find my GitHub page here; I also have a photography site.
Radars are an ideal complement to cameras for applications such as autonomous driving: both are inexpensive, solid-state sensors, with cameras boasting fine angular resolution and radars providing depth resolution and robustness to adverse conditions. Unfortunately, unlike visual images or Lidar points, radar data are harder to interpret, and lack a large body of existing research. In this project, my goal is to develop machine learning-based methods to interpret radar data both spatially and semantically, potentially replacing Lidar as the primary means of 3D perception in robotics and beyond.
The ability to execute programs in heterogeneous distributed environments while maintaining security and performance isolation is of critical importance as edge and cloud applications become increasingly entangled. The SilverLine framework is our solution, where we propose using WebAssembly modules as an edge-friendly lighter-weight alternative to virtual machines or containers for maintaining isolation while providing portability.
In this research project, my goal is to explore learning-enabled building blocks for managing distributed systems. Key concerns include performance analysis and runtime prediction, as well as debugging and anomaly detection. My approach emphasizes going beyond black-box approaches (in both a statistical and a systems sense) using techniques like instrumentation injection and statistical machine learning approaches.
2023-2024 Academic Year | Prabhu and Poonam Goel Graduate Fellowship
Awarded to one student in the ECE department each academic year.
Spring 2023 | ECE Department Recognition Award for Exemplary Qualifying Exam Performance
Recognized by CMU ECE faculty for exemplary Ph.D. qualifying examination performance. This distinction was awarded by faculty vote to select students within the top 10% of Ph.D. student examinees.
This award is typically given to no more than one student each semester.
Fall 2021 - Spring 2024 | ARCS Pittsburgh Chapter Scholar
$15,000 award (over 3 years) for one student nominated by each participating department.
Fall 2017 - Spring 2021 | Virginia & Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Scholarship in Engineering
$48,000 award (over 4 years) for undergraduate students admitted to the ECE Honors program.
Guest Lecture: Machine Learning + Edge
CMU 18-649 Distributed Embedded Systems, April 2024
Guest Lecture: Federated Learning
Duke ECE/COMPSCI 654 Edge Computing, February 2023
Guest Lecture: Machine Learning + Edge
CMU 18-649 Distributed Embedded Systems, November 2022
TA: UT Austin EE 351k Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, Fall 2020 - Spring 2021